If you have a busy life, with lots of demands on your time, then this is the place for you to relax and rejuvenate. From the moment you enter our tranquil relaxation room, you’ll notice the restorative ambience and the comforting atmosphere. We do everything we can to make sure your visit at our spa salon has you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
We offer a tranquil nail salon Visalia experience with unparalleled beauty products and spa services. Guests can relax in a calm atmosphere and enjoy a glass of cocktail before a rejuvenating manicure/pedicure from our skilled nail techs.
Our nail salon is dedicated to bringing top-of-the-line products mixed with expert techniques to the nail salon 93277 industry. Our goal is to pamper all the ladies and gentlemen with unique manicures and pedicures with the highest quality service. With many years of experience, we take pride in doing a great job. You would be treated carefully and thoroughly at any time.

Fancy Nails & Spa – Nail salon 93777
3738 South Mooney Boulevard
Visalia, California 93277