Welcome to Blooming Nails – our nail salon in Burlingame, CA 94010! You’ve just stepped out of our salon with a fresh, beautiful manicure, and we want to ensure your nails stay flawless for as long as possible. Proper nail care post-manicure is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of your nails. Here’s our ultimate guide to caring for your nails after a manicure

1. Keep Your Nails Dry and Clean

Moisture can weaken your nails and cause polish to lift prematurely. Ensuring your nails are dry and clean helps maintain the integrity of your manicure.

How to Do It:

Avoid soaking your hands in water for long periods, especially in the first 24 hours.
Wear gloves when doing household chores like washing dishes or gardening.

2. Moisturize Regularly

Dry nails and cuticles can lead to peeling and cracking, which affects the longevity of your manicure.

How to Do It:

Use cuticle oil daily to keep your cuticles hydrated.
Apply a rich hand cream regularly, especially after washing your hands.

3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Chemicals in cleaning products can break down nail polish and dry out your nails.

How to Do It:

  • Use gloves when cleaning with harsh products.
  • Opt for gentle, non-acetone nail polish removers when changing your nail color.

4. Be Gentle with Your Nails

Nails can chip or break if subjected to excessive force or pressure.

How to Do It:

  • Avoid using your nails as tools to open cans, remove stickers, etc.
  • Be mindful of how you use your hands in daily activities.

5. Regular Touch-Ups

Minor chips and cracks can expand, leading to more significant damage and the need for a complete redo of your manicure.

How to Do It:

  • Keep a top coat handy and apply it every few days to maintain the shine and strength of your polish.
  • Use a nail file to smooth out any small chips or snags as soon as you notice them.

Read more: Blooming Nails – Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your Nails After a Manicure

Blooming Nails

Address: 123 Nail St, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 123-4567
Website: www.bloomingnailsburlingame.com

Book your appointment today and treat your nails to the care they deserve!